Divorce mediator with clients seated at a table

โ€œWait… What? There’s Another Way?โ€

Yes, there is!

Mediation is an alternative to drawn out and costly courtroom approaches to family conflict.

It’s a civil and effective way to resolve disputes.


Mediation is an informal and confidential way for families to resolve disputes and avoid court with the help of a neutral third-party, a mediator, who is specially trained in communication and conflict resolution. The mediator does not decide who is right or wrong or issue a decision. Instead, the mediator helps the spouses work out their own solutions to problems and negotiate a settlement of the issues.

Divorce mediation can often be the best alternative to expensive, prolonged negotiation conducted through attorneys. Mediation allows you to stay in charge of your life rather than give control over to attorneys and judges, who do not know you or your family.

Mediation offers an opportunity to discover creative solutions, reduce conflict, save money and develop a process that treats all family members with respect.


๐Ÿ”ธ Cost – The mediation process often takes less time than moving a case through standard legal channels, which means spending less money on hourly fees and costs.

๐Ÿ”ธ Confidentiality – While court pleadings and hearings are public, the content and progress of a mediation are confidential and protected from introduction as evidence in court (an exception exists for child abuse or actual/threatened criminal acts).

๐Ÿ”ธ Control – Mediation allows the you and your spouse to craft your own solutions for your unique situation. However, in a court case, control resides with the judge who can provide only the solutions available under the law.

๐Ÿ”ธ Compliance – Because the result is attained by working together and is mutually agreeable, compliance with the mediated agreement is usually high. This further reduces costs, because you do not have to employ an attorney to force compliance with agreements.

๐Ÿ”ธ Cooperation – Mediators are specially trained in working with difficult situations. The mediator acts as a neutral facilitator and guides you both through the process. The mediator helps divorcing couples think outside the box for possible solutions to the dispute, broadening the range of possible solutions.

My work as the neutral third party in mediated negotiations is the result of years of ongoing training in mediation and conflict resolution to create mutually beneficial settlements for families. I have a cool head in conflict and an uncommon ability to bring about amicable resolution in even the messiest of divorce cases.

As of July 1, 2024, a 2-hour Mediation Session is $700. Contact me if you feel that mediation is the right path for your divorce and just have a question or two before you schedule. Or, if you feel good about mediation as a next step, you can schedule your mediation right now.